Chest Radiology, 7th ed.
- Patterns & Differential Diagnoses
著者 | : J.C.Reed |
出版社 | : ELSEVIER |
ISBN | : 978-0-323-49831-9 |
ページ数 | : 404pp.(446illus.) |
出版年 | : 2018年 |
定価27,709円(本体25,190円 + 税)
- 商品説明
- 主要目次

Part 1: Chest Wall, Pleura, and Mediastinum
1. Introduction
2. Chest Wall Lesions
3. Pleural and Subpleural Opacities
4. Pleural Effusion
5. Pleural Thickening and Pleural Calcification
6. Elevated Diaphragm
7. Shift of the Mediastinum
8. Widening of the Mediastinum
9. Anterior Mediastinal Mass
10. Middle Mediastinal Mass
11. Hilar Enlargement
12. Posterior Mediastinal Mass
Part 2: Pulmonary Opacities
13. Atelectasis
14. Segmental and Lobar Consolidations
15. Diffuse Air-Space Opacities
16. Multifocal Ill-Defined Opacities
17. Diffuse Fine Nodular Opacities
18. Fine Reticular Opacities
19. Coarse Reticular Opacities (Honeycomb Lung)
20. Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
21. Multiple Nodules and Masses
Part 3: Hyperlucent Abnormalities
22. Hyperlucent Thorax
23. Solitary Lucent Defect
24. Multiple Lucent Lesions


Unofficial Guide to Radiology
- Chest, Abdominal & Orthopaedic X-Rays, Plus Cts, Mris