Instructional Course Lectures, Vol.66 (2017)
著者 | : T.L.Gerlinger & J.Parvizi (eds.) |
出版社 | : AAOS |
ISBN | : 978-1-62552-565-9 |
ページ数 | : 697pp. |
出版年 | : 2017年 |
定価57,695円(本体52,450円 + 税)
- 商品説明
- 主要目次

世界的な信頼を寄せるAAOS(米国整形外科学会)Annual Meeting 2016で発表された,デジタル時代における患者ケアと臨床実践についての,最新のテクニックおよび具体的な解決策について集約した一冊. 一般整形外科,各専門分野,および実践的な知識を向上し,テクニックに磨きをかけ,トップリーダーたちの最新のアプローチを学ぶことができる. また,専門家の識見を知ることにより,リハビリテーションケア実行計画についてアップデートすることができる. 世界的に著名な外科医や各分野の専門家たちの工夫や洞察を知ることができ,それによって治療の選択肢を広げることができるであろう. 各章に添えられた簡潔なプレビュー,数百に及ぶ鮮明な画像,外科手技のストリーミングビデオがさらなる理解を促す.
1 Acetabular Fractures: A Problem-Oriented Approach
2 Challenges and Controversies of Foot and Ankle Trauma
3 Current Management of Talar Fractures
4 Fractures of the Calcaneus
5 Diagnosis and Management of the Biceps-Labral Complex
6 Patients in Whom Arthroscopic Bankart Repair is Not Enough: Evaluation and Management of Complex Anterior Glenohumeral Instability
7 Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
8 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Getting It Right So You Don’t Have to Do It Again
9 Management of Hand Fractures: Simple to Complex
10 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Initial Management and the Treatment of Recalcitrant Patients
11 Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome, Radial Tunnel Syndrome, Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome, and Pronator Syndrome
12 Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Everything You Need to Know
13 Arthroplasty for Unreconstructable Acute Fractures and Failed Fracture Fixation About the Hip and Knee in the Active Elderly: A New Paradigm
14 Bicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
15 Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
16 Patellofemoral Arthroplasty: An Evolving Science
17 Prevention and Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Knee Infection
18 Single-Stage Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty in the Setting of Periprosthetic Knee Infection: Indications, Contraindications, and Postoperative Outcomes
19 Two-Stage Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty in the Setting of Periprosthetic Knee Infection
20 Achilles Tendon Rupture in Elite Athletes
21 Lisfranc Injuries in the Elite Athlete
22 High-Risk Stress Fractures in Elite Athletes
23 Management of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
24 Lateral Ankle Instability and Peroneal Tendon Pathology
25 Differentiating Hip Pathology From Lumbar Spine Pathology: Key Points of Evaluation and Management
26 Surgical Management of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
27 Adult Lumbar Scoliosis: Nonsurgical Versus Surgical Management
28 Realignment Planning in Adult Spinal Deformity: Formulas and Planning Tools
29 Minimally Invasive Lateral Approach for the Management of Adult Degenerative Scoliosis
30 How to Decrease Complications in the Management of Adult Lumbar Scoliosis
31 Cervical Spine Injuries in the Athlete
32 Lumbar Spine Injuries in the Athlete
33 Adolescent Spondylolysis: Management and Return to Play
34 Pediatric Phalanx Fractures
35 Pediatric Scaphoid Fractures
36 Pediatric Metacarpal Fractures
37 Pediatric Distal Radius Fractures
38 Skeletally Immature Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: Controversies and Management
39 Congenital Scoliosis: A Case-Based Approach
40 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Update on Bracing, Surgical Techniques, and Patient Safety
41 Update in Pediatric Musculoskeletal Infections: When It Is, When It Isn’t, and What to Do
42 The Four Most Common Types of Knee Cartilage Damage Encountered in Practice: How and Why Orthopaedic Surgeons Manage Them
43 Management of Patellofemoral Arthritis: From Cartilage Restoration to Arthroplasty
44 International Perspective on Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: What Have We Been Missing?
45 Concussion in Sports : What Do Orthopaedic Surgeons Need to Know
46 Key Concepts of Musculoskeletal Infection
47 Soft-Tissue Tumors: A Pictorial- and Case-Based Guide to Diagnosis and Management
48 What’s Wrong With the Bone? An Overview of Metabolic and Neoplastic Bone Conditions
49 Implementation of TeamSTEPPS in Orthopaedic Surgery
50 Patient-Reported Outcome Metrics in Total Joint Arthroplasty
51 Collaborative Orthopaedic Research Between and Within Institutions
52 Surgeon–Patient Communication: The Key to Patient Satisfaction, Patient-Centered Care, and Shared Decision Making
53 Surgeon–Patient Communication: Disclosing Unanticipated Medical Outcomes and Errors
54 Getting Research Published and Achieving the Highest Impact Factor