
< 乳房病理学,第2版(病理診断の基礎シリーズ) >

Breast Pathology, 2nd ed.

(Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series)

著者 : F.P.O'malley, S.E.Pinder & A.M.Mulligan
ISBN : 978-1-4377-1757-0
ページ数 : 377pp.
出版年 : 2011年


定価40,359円(本体36,690円 + 税)


  • 商品説明
  • 主要目次

2005年に神経病理の巻を刊行して以来好評を博している基礎病理診断学シリーズも,これまでに13冊を発行し,なお1冊の未刊本 "Pathology of Infectious Diseases" を残しながら改版のサイクルに入っている.改版刷新第2弾となる本書「乳房病理学」は正常像と病理像を対比させながら,病理診断のコアというべき重要点を分かり易く提示し,研修医にも経験豊かな医師にも即使える貴重な情報源となっている.Expert Consultが付属している.

Chapter 1. Diagnostic Methodologies: Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
Chapter 2. Handling of Surgical Specimens
Chapter 3. Core Biopsy - Methodologies, Reporting and Management Issues
Chapter 4. Overview of Clinical Aspects of Breast Disease
Chapter 5. Overview of Radiologic Aspects of Breast Disease
Chapter 6. Normal Breast
Chapter 7. Inflammatory Lesions, Infections and Silicone Granulomas
Chapter 8. Sclerosing Lesions: Sclerosing Adenosis, Radial Scar/Complex Sclerosing Lesion, Microglandular Adenosis
Chapter 9. Papillary Lesions
Chapter 10. Fibroepithelial Lesions, Including Fibroadenoma and Phyllodes Tumors
Chapter 11. Benign Stromal Lesions of the Breast
Chapter 12. Disease of the Nipple
Chapter 13. Fibrocystic Change and Columnar Cell Lesions
Chapter 14. Usual Epithelial Hyperplasia and Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia
Chapter 15. Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia and Lobular Carcinoma In Situ
Chapter 16. Molecular Genetics of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and Lobular Carcinoma In Situ
Chapter 17. Morphology of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
Chapter 18. Invasive carcinoma - Special Types
Chapter 19. Histologic Grade
Chapter 20. Invasive Carcinoma: Other Histologic Prognostic Factors, Prognostic Indices and Application of Prognostic Information for Patient Management
Chapter 21. Familial Breast Cancer
Chapter 22. Handling and Evaluation of Sentinel Lymph Nodes
Chapter 23. Sentinel Node Biopsy and Lymph Node Classification in the 7th Edition Staging Manual
Chapter 24. Breast Cancer Biomakers: Prognostic and Predictive Value and External Quality Assurance
Chapter 25. An Overview of Immunohistochemistry in Diagnosis of Breast Lesions
Chapter 26. Other Malignant Lesions of the Breast
Chapter 27. Diseases of the Male Breast
Chapter 28. Breast Cancer - Emerging Methods for the Assessment of Primary Tumors, Including Genomic and Stem Cell Characterization in Breast Cancer