Clinical Cases & Pearls in Medicine
著者 | : G.S.Sainani |
ISBN | : 978-93-5152-646-9 |
ページ数 | : 459pp. |
出版年 | : 2015年 |
定価14,300円(本体13,000円 + 税)
- 商品説明
- 主要目次
- 書評

10の主要分野と種々の専門分野における,203の臨床例と101のヒントを集約した一冊. 2つの章に分かれており,第1章では,消化器病学から筋骨格系に及ぶ各専門分野の症例を取り上げる. 各症例について,病歴聴取,原因,検証と治療などが詳細に記載され,その後本書の特徴である口述形式の質疑応答パートへと続く. 第2章では,101のヒントが,表や青色のテキストボックスでハイライトされた重要情報と共に,非常に見やすくリストアップされている. 250を超えるカラー画像とイラストが使い勝手を高めており,すべての医療従事者にとって必要不可欠なリソースである.
Part 1: Clinical Cases in Medicine
1. Gastroenterology
2. Respiratory System
3. Cardiovascular System
4. Nephrology
5. Neurology
6. Hematology
7. Oncology
8. Endocrinology
9. Metabolic Diseases
10. Musculoskeletal System
11. Miscellaneous
Part 2: Pearls in Medicine
Picture Credits
This is a study guide directed at Indian physicians written by a former dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Pune University, India.
It is intended as a general medicine study guide to help students of medicine sharpen their clinical skills as physicians.
Its primary focus is on students, but it also serves as a tremendous asset for more experienced clinicians who wish to refresh their diagnostic memory and skills.
The book is divided into clinical cases using a traditional organ systems approach. Each case chapter includes an introduction, etiological factors, salient clinical features, some organ system specific definitions in the differential diagnoses, investigations to help formulate the diagnosis, management pearls, and some questions and answers about the topic. The photographs and figures are well presented and there are numerous intuitive tables and figures.
This well presented book of basic medical diagnoses that physicians may encounter in the everyday practice of medicine is a very good addition to the library of every primary care clinician.
Weighted Numerical Score: 100 - 5 Stars!
Vincent F Carr, DO, MSA, FACC, FACP(Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences)
Doody's Reviewより転載
