Pocket Tutor: Understanding ABGs & Lung Function Tests
著者 | : M.Thillai & K.Hattotuwa |
ISBN | : 978-19-0781-605-5 |
ページ数 | : 156pp.(150illus.) |
出版年 | : 2012年 |
定価3,542円(本体3,220円 + 税)
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. First principles
Anatomy / Physiology
Chapter 2. Understanding the tests
Arterial blood gases / Lung function tests
Chapter 3. Recognising abnormal results
Arterial blood gases / Lung function testing abnormalities
Chapter 4. Lung diseases
Airway disease / Parenchymal disease / Pulmonary vascular disease / Pleural disease
Chapter 5. Circulatory dysfunction
Changes in lung volume / Changes in ventilation / Changes in perfusion / Changes in diffusion / Cardiac diseases
Chapter 6. Neuromuscular disorders
Respiratory tests in management of neuromuscular disorders / Motor neuron disease / Myasthenia gravis / Guillain–Barré syndrome / Diaphragm palsy / Myopathies / Vocal fold paralysis / Trauma and chest wall deformities / Neuroactive drugs / Cerebrovascular accidents
Chapter 7. Metabolic, endocrine and renal dysfunction
Diabetic ketoacidosis / Conn's syndrome / Lactic acidosis / Renal failure
Chapter 8. ABGs in other clinical situations
Anxiety, pain and hyperventilation / Monitoring ABGs in ventilated and anaesthetised patients / Vomiting and nasogastric suction / Diarrhoea / Starvation / Diuretics