Cotes' Lung Function, 7th ed.
著者 | : R.L.Maynard, S.J.Pearce, B.Nemery, et al.(eds.) |
ISBN | : 978-1-118-59735-4 |
ページ数 | : 774pp. |
出版年 | : 2020年 |
定価49,335円(本体44,850円 + 税)
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肺機能評価は呼吸器診断において欠かせないものである。多くの病院で肺機能検査が行われており、さまざまな生理学的方法を用いて検査が行われている。本書は、内科医・生理学者・臨床検査技師の専門的知識を集約し、検査とそのテクニックについて詳細に解説する。理論に基づいたテキストブックであると同時に、呼吸・運動・環境生理学を背景に、健康な人とさまざまな呼吸器疾患患者における肺機能とその検査に関して包括的説明を提供する実用的マニュアルでもある。米国胸部学会(American Thoracic Society)と欧州呼吸器学会(European Respiratory Society)の、肺機能検査に関する勧告も取り入れている。
Section I: Introduction
1 How we came to have lungs and how our understanding of lung function has developed
Section II: Foundations
2 Getting started
3 Development and functional anatomy of the respiratory system
4 Body size and anthropometric measurements
5 Numerical interpretation of physiological variables
6 Basic terminology and gas laws
7 Basic equipment and measurement techniques
8 Respiratory surveys: epidemiological methods
9 The application of analytical technique applied to expired air as a means of monitoring airway and lung function
Section III: Physiology and measurement of lung function
10 Anatomy and function of the thoracic cage and respiratory muscles
11 Lung volumes
12 Lung and chest wall elasticity
13 Forced ventilation volumes and flows
14 Theory and measurement of respiratory resistances
15 The control of airway function and the assessment of airway calibre
16 Distribution, measurement and inter-relationship between ventilation and perfusion
17 Transfer of gases into the blood of alveolar capillaries
18 Transfer factor for CO and NO
19 Oxygen: uptake and transport in the blood
20 Carbon dioxide: gas exchange and acid base balance
21 Control of respiration
22 Breathing sensation
23 Breathing function in newborn babies
Section IV: Normal variation in lung function
24 Normal lung function from childhood to old age
25 Reference values for lung function in white (Caucasian) children and adults
26 Reference values for lung function in non-Caucasians
Section V: Exercise
27 Physiology of exercise and effects of lung disease on performance
28 Exercise testing and interpretation, including reference values
29 Assessment of exercise limitation, disability and residual ability
30 Exercise in children
Section VI: Breathing during sleep
31 Breathing during sleep and its investigation
Section VII: Potentially adverse environments
32 Hypobaria, high altitude, aviation physiology and medicine
33 Immersion in water, hyperbaria and hyperoxia including oxygen therapy
34 Effects of cold and heat on the lung
Section VIII: Lung function in clinical practice
35 Strategies for assessment of lung function
36 Patterns of abnormal lung function in lung disease
37 Lung function patterns in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung fibrosis
38 Lung function in specific respiratory and systemic diseases: a compendium
39 Pulmonary rehabilitation
40 Lung function in relation to surgery, anaesthesia and intensive care