

Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, 7th ed.

Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, 7th ed.

定価32,241円(本体29,310円 + 税)
Travel & Tropical Medicine Manual, 5th ed.

Travel & Tropical Medicine Manual, 5th ed.

定価18,029円(本体16,390円 + 税)
Travel Medicine, 4th ed.

Travel Medicine, 4th ed.

定価33,814円(本体30,740円 + 税)
Treatment & Management of Tropical Liver Disease

Treatment & Management of Tropical Liver Disease

定価28,402円(本体25,820円 + 税)
Viruses, 3rd ed.- A Very Short Introduction

Viruses, 3rd ed.
- A Very Short Introduction

定価2,145円(本体1,950円 + 税)