
Oxford Textbook of Oncology, 3rd ed.

著者 : D.J.Kerr, D.G.Haller, C.J.H.Van De Velde, et al.(eds.)
ISBN : 978-0-19-965610-3
ページ数 : 1007pp.
出版年 : 2016年


定価68,717円(本体62,470円 + 税)

  • 商品説明
  • 主要目次
  • 書評

腫瘍学の第一人者によって書かれたthe Oxford Textbook of Oncologyの改訂版.前版から大幅に内容がアップデートされ,主要な治療における最新の情報や,様々な領域にまたがる管理方法に関する項目が盛り込まれた.
多様な実践例が記載されたthe Oxford Textbook of Oncologyは,腫瘍学に関わる者にとって必読の書と言えよう.

Section 1: Hallmarks of Cancer
Section 2: Etiology and Epidemiology of Cancer
Section 3: Principles of Oncology
Section 4: Population Health
Section 5: Support for the cancer patient
Section 6: Disease

Review from previous edition

The Oxford Textbook of Oncology covers virtually the entire spectrum of malignant diseases in adults and children. It meets very high editorial and production standards: the organization, illustrations, and eye-pleasing typography are outstanding... I have high praise for this textbook.
- NEJM, Volume 347, Number 2, 2002

Under new editorship, the second edition is far more than an updated version of the first...the prose in the Oxford Textbook is exemplary...this textbook is unique among its peers in giving the sense that the authors are addressing the reader personally...an exception level of quality…Respect for the evidence-based medicine is apparent throughout the text...illustrative and anatomical drawing...of remarkable high quality...excellent discussion of doctor-patient communication in relation OT genetic counselling, psychological issues, and terminal cancers.
- JAMA, Volume 287, Issue 24, 2002


Washington Manual of Oncology, 3rd ed.

Washington Manual of Oncology, 3rd ed.

定価9,229円(本体8,390円 + 税)